jual spare part truk

jual spare part truk

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Adhesive - Lanjutan

The saccharate of lime is prepared by
dissolving 1 part of sugar in 3 parts of water, and after adding 1 part of the weight of the sugar of slaked lime, heat­ing the whole from 149° to 185° F. allow- ing it to macerate for several days, shaking it frequently. The solution, which has the properties of mucilage, is then de­canted from the sediment.
XIII.—In a solution of borax in water soak a good quantity of glue until it has thoroughly imbibed the liquid. Pour off the surplus solution and then put on the water bath and melt the glue. Cool down until the glue begins to set, then add, drop by drop, with agitation, enough acetic acid to check the tendency to solidification. If, after becoming quite cold, there is still a tendency to solidification, add a few drops more of the acid. The liquid should be of the consistence of ordinary mucilage at all times.
XI V.—Gelatin ................... 100 parts
Cabinetmakers' glue. 100 parts
Alcohol ............... .   25 parts
Alum ....................... e parts
Acetic acid,
et) per
  cent ................. 800 parts
Soak the gelatin and glue with the acetic acid and heat on a water bath until fluid; then add the alum and alcohol.
XV.—Glue ...     ... 10 parts
Water .................  15 parts
Sodium salicylate..  ..... 1 part
XVI.—Soak 5 parts of Cologne glue in an aqueous calcium chloride solution (1 :4) and heat on the water bath until dissolved, replacing the evaporating water; or slack 100 parts of lime with 150 parts of hot water, dissolve 60 parts of sugar in 180 parts of water, and add 15 parts of the slacked lime to the solution, heating the whole to 75° C. (167° F.). Place aside for a few days, shaking from time to time. In the clear sugar-lime solution collected by decanting soak 60 parts of glue and assist the solution by moderate heating.
X VII.—Molasses, 100 parts, dissolved in 300 parts of water, 25 parts of quick­lime (slaked to powder), being then stirred in and the mixture heated to 167° F. on a water bath, with frequent stir­rings. After settling for a few days a large portion of the lime will have dis­solved, and the clear, white, thick solu­tion, when decanted, behaves like rubber solution and makes a highly adherent coati n.
X VIII.—Dissolve bone glue, 250 parts, by heating in 1,000 parts of water, and add to the solution barium perox­ide 10 parts, sulphuric acid (66° B.) 45 parts, and water 15 parts. Heat for 48 hours on the water bath to 80° C. 5176° F.). Thus a syrupy liquid is obtained, which is allowed to settle and is then decanted. This glue has no unpleasant odor, and does not mold.
XIX.—A glue possessing the adhesive qualities of ordinary joiners' glue, but constituting a pale yellow liquid which is ready for use without requiring heating and possesses great resistance to damp­ness, is produced by treating dry casein with a diluted borax solution or with enough ammonia solution to cause a faintly alkaline reaction. The prepara­tion may be employed alone or mixed with liquid starch in any proportion.
Glue for Celluloid.—I.—Two parts shellac, 3 parts spirits of camphor, and 4 parts strong alcohol dissolved in a warm place, give an excellent gluing agent to fix wood, tin, and other bodies to celluloid. The glue must be kept well corked up.
II.—A collodion solution may be used, or an alcoholic solution of fine celluloid shavings.

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