jual spare part truk

jual spare part truk

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Adhesive - Lanjutan

Glue to Form Paper Pads.—
I.—Glue . ....  .. 31 ounces
Glycerine ...... 8 ounces Water, a sufficient quantity.
Pour upon the glue more than enough water to cover it and let stand for several hours, then decant the greater portion of the water; apply heat until the glue is dissolved, and add the glycerin. If the mixture is too thick, add more water.
H.—Glue    .... 6 ounces
Alum   30 grains
Acetic acid...... ..    1 ounce
Alcohol......... .    11 ounces
Water............. 61 ounces
Mix all but the alcohol, digest on a water bath till the glue is dissolved, allow to 

cool and add the alcohol.
III.—Glue.    5 ounces
Water... ................ 1 ounce
Calcium chloride .... 1 ounce
Dissolve the calcium chloride in the water, add the glue, macerate until it is thoroughly softened, and then heat until completely dissolved.
IV.—Glue.... ....  .. N ounces
Glycerine ............. 5 ounces
Syrupy glucose. ..    1 ounce
Tannin ................ 50 grains
Cover the glue with cold water, and let stand over night. In the morning pour off superfluous water, throw the glue on muslin, and manipulate so as to get rid of as much moisture as possible, then put in a water bath and melt. Add the glyc‑
erine and syrup, and stir well in. Fi­nally, dissolve the tannin in the smallest quentity of water possible and add.
This mixture must be used hot.
V.—Glue ............................ 13 c”inees
Glycerine ..................... 5 ounces
Linseed oil...  ................. ounces
Sugar.                             1 ounce
Soak the glue as before, melt, add the sugar and glycerine, continuing the heat, and finally add the oil gradually under constant stirring.
This must be used hot.

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