jual spare part truk

jual spare part truk

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

cara mendapatkan info harga mitsubishi

step 1. kunjungi www.SparepartTruk.com
step 2. bawa kursor ke area kiri atas, cari CARI BERKAS
step 3. ketik di kolom isian Cari Partnumber, ketik partnumber nya lalu enter
            misal ketik me015045
step 4. tunggu sampai hasil selesai di proses
            hasil akan dimunculkan di area tengah tepatnya di bawah Selamat Datang Mitra Usaha Powerindo
step 5. analisa hasilnya;
           akan keluar hasil pencarian nama barang : water pump
           keterangan aplikasi untuk mitsubishi fe100, harga 750.000 untuk part lokal ktb, dan 2.410.000
           untuk part import ktb, ada juga info no ganti nya me993513, sama barangnya

keterangan : untuk mendapatkan diskon yang menarik, silahkan kontak cs kami via yahoo massenger atau telp ke. 021 62305460,1

Terima kasih, semoga info ini bisa membantu

Cara mendapatkan info harga sakura filter

step 1. kunjungi www.SparepartTruk.com
step 2. bawa kursor ke area kiri atas, cari CARI BERKAS
step 3. ketik di kolom isian Cari Partnumber, ketik partnumber nya lalu enter
            misal ketik A1002
step 4. tunggu sampai hasil selesai di proses
            hasil akan dimunculkan di area tengah tepatnya di bawah Selamat Datang Mitra Usaha Powerindo
step 5. analisa hasilnya;
           akan keluar hasil pencarian nama barang :air filter / filter udara
           keterangan aplikasi untuk colt t120, harga 35.520 merk sakura

keterangan : harga tersebut adalah harga price list, untuk mendapatkan diskon, silahkan kontak cs kami via yahoo massenger atau telp ke. 021 62305460,1

Terima kasih, semoga info ini bisa membantu

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Jual Spare Parts

PT. Mitra Usaha Powerindo
1. Purchases Parts     :
    Merk-merk non genuine parts:
    Filter ( air , oil , fuel , hyd , transmition ) : lokal braded yang familiar :  DONALDSON, UNION,
                                                                    SAKURA , JIMCO
                                                                  Import braded yang familiar : Donaldson (usa) , feelguard ,
                                                                    baldwin , pionir, usg
    Seal oil : NOK , National.
    Seal kit : NOK, KHB , Kawaguci.
    Repair kit : Asahi ( water pump ) , NOK, OEM, GARET ( TURBO )
    Bolt  : 8.8 , 9.0 , Ajax.
    O-ring : NOK , Viton.
    Hose : brigestone.
    Bearing : japan : nsk , koyo , ntn . USA : timken , blower
    Nepple : lokal
    Gasket : WG , HG

    Untuk purchase part ini biasanya konsumen kami banyak menggunakan non genuine   parts , kecuali
    untuk kategori purchases part pada bagian2 tertentu , seperti : engine , transmision , pump.

2. Engine Parts         :
      Piston : Jpn : Izumi , Oem   ...  Usa / uk : FP , Clivate ,
      Ring piston : Jpn : RIK , NPR ...  usa : FP , clivate
      Liner : Jpn : Izumi  ......  usa : FP, clivate
      Metal : Daido , NPR , OEM ....  usa : FP, clivate
      Gasket kit : Genuine , Oem
      Cylinder head : ITR , CGR ( product italy  biasa digunakan untuk caterpilar ) , untuk komatsu OEM

Untuk engine parts ini sebagian besar costumer menggunakan genuine part , kecuali untuk truck masih byk yang menggunakan non genuine part terutama untuk unit-unit tua.

3. Side Engine Parts     :

      Injection pump ( nozel , plug ..... ) :  Zexel , ND
      Transmition ( gear, shaft ....) : ITR , CGR, ITAL , MIBA, OEM ,,,,  
      Brake  ( pad , ....... )
      Clutch ( disc clucth , ...... )  , Daikin
      Pump ( oil , hyd , fuel ) : Jpn:  OEM , kayaba ,    usa : ITR, CGR,
        Pump unit komatsu sebagian besar menggunakan genuine parts , untuk caterpilar banyak
        menggunakan produk italy : ITR, CGR
     Cooling system ( water pump , radiator ..... ) ,  Asahi , Adr
     Turbocharge ( caterage , repair kit , housing .... ) :  Garet ,

4. Electrical Parts     :
       Motorstater / alternator ( sawafuji , ND ...) ,  , switch , batre , cabel , lamp  , motor gas .......

5. Operation Parts & accecories :  AC (ND), Work lamp , Panel , Indicator

6. Hydrolic parts    :
      Repair kit hyd ( KHB , NOK ) , bushing ( JPN / Italy ) , pin tooth /  tooth  : ( rossy ( italy ) ,
          Korea ( polos ) , Japan ( polos ) , cutter ( ITM , Japan ( polos ) ), swing , rod , cylinder ,
          Shoe ( ITM )

7. Undercariage Parts     :
       track link , roller , segmen , idler , bushing , pin
           ITM ( italy ) , Kanto buhin (jpn ) ,  Korea ( polos ) , China ( polos ) , Japan ( polos )

Merk-merk spare part yg familiar : ITR , CGR , ITAL , WG/HG , FP , OEM , IZUMI, ND , DAIDO , NOK, ITM .

Sebagian besar part juga tidak memilki branded ( kebanyakan purchases part ) dan kebiasaan agen hanya menyebutkan : JPN , USA , ITALY, KOREA, LOKAL

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Adhesive - lanjutan

Glue for Tablets.‑
     I.—Glue .   31 ounces
Glycerine    8 ounces Water, a sufficient quantity.
Pour upon the glue more than enough water to cover it and let stand for several hours, then decant the greater portion of the water; apply heat until the glue is dissolved, and add the glycerine. If the mixture is too thick, add more water.
..................  6 ounces
Alum  ................... . 30 grains
Acetic acid............ ...    1 ounce
Alcohol ....................... 11 ounces
Water............... 61 ounces
Mix all but the alcohol, digest on a water bath till the glue is dissolved, allow to cool and add the alcohol.
III.—Glue.... .............. 5 ounces
Water.. ..                       1 ounce
Calcium chloride...        1 ounce
Dissolve the calcium chloride in the water, add the glue, macerate until it is thoroughly softened, and then apply heat until completely dissolved.
I V. —Glue, 1 pound; glycerine, 4 ounces; glucose syrup, 2 tablespoonfuls; tannin, TIIT ounce. Use warm, and give an hour to dry and set on the pads. This can be colored with any aniline dye.
Marine Glue.—Marine glue is a prod­uct consisting of shellac and caoutchouc, which is mixed differently according to the use for which it is required. The quantity of benzol used as solvent gov­erns the hardness or softness of the glue.
I.—One part Para caoutchouc is dis­solved in 12 parts benzol; 20 parts pow­dered shellac are added to the solution, and the mixture is carefully heated.
II.—Stronger glue is obtained by dis­solving 10 parts good crude caoutchouc in 120 parts benzine or naphtha which solution is poured slowly and in a fine stream into 20 parts asphaltum melted in a kettle, stirring constantly and heat­ing. Pour the finished glue, after the solvent has almost evaporated and the mass has become quite uniform, into flat molds, in which it solidifies into very hard tablets of dark brown or black color. For use, these glue tablets are first soaked in boiling water and then heated over a free flame until the marine glue has be­come thinly liquid. The pieces to be glued are also warmed and a very durable union is obtained.
III.—Cut caoutchouc into small pieces and dissolve in coal naphtha by heat and agitation. Add to this solution pow­dered shellac, and heat the whole, con­stantly stirring until combination takes place, then pour it on metal plates to form sheets. When used it must be heated to 248° F., and applied with a brush.
Water-Proof Glues.—I.—The glue is put in water till it is soft, and subse­quently melted in linseed oil at moderate heat. This glue is affected neither by water nor by vapors.
II.—Dissolve a small quantity of san­darac and mastic in a little alcohol, and add a little turpentine. The solution is boiled in a kettle over the fire, and an equal quantity of a strong hot solution of glue and isinglass is added. Then filter through a cloth while hot.
III.—Water-proof glue may also be produced by the simple addition of bichromate of potassium to the liquid glue solution, and subsequent exposure to the air.
IV.—Mix glue as usual, and then add linseed oil in the proportion of 1 part oil to 8 parts glue. If it is desired that the mixture remain liquid, 1 ounce of nitric acid should be added to every pound of glue. This will also prevent the glue from souring.
V.—In 1,000 parts of rectified alcohol dissolve 60 parts of sandarac and as much mastic whereupon add 60 parts of white oil of turpentine. Next, prepare a rather strong glue solution and add about the like quantity of isinglass, heating the solution until it commences to boil; then slowly add the hot glue solution till a thin paste forms, which can still be filtered through a cloth. Heat the solution be­fore use and employ like ordinary glue. A connection effected with this glue is not dissolved by cold water and even resits hat water for a long time.
VI.—Soak 1,000 parts of Cologne glue in cold water for 12 hours and in another vessel for the same length of time 150 parts of isinglass in a mixture of lamp spirit and water. Then dissolve both masses together on the water bath in a suitable vessel, thinning, if necessary, with some hot water. Next add 100

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Adhesive - Lanjutan

Glue to Form Paper Pads.—
I.—Glue . ....  .. 31 ounces
Glycerine ...... 8 ounces Water, a sufficient quantity.
Pour upon the glue more than enough water to cover it and let stand for several hours, then decant the greater portion of the water; apply heat until the glue is dissolved, and add the glycerin. If the mixture is too thick, add more water.
H.—Glue    .... 6 ounces
Alum   30 grains
Acetic acid...... ..    1 ounce
Alcohol......... .    11 ounces
Water............. 61 ounces
Mix all but the alcohol, digest on a water bath till the glue is dissolved, allow to 

cool and add the alcohol.
III.—Glue.    5 ounces
Water... ................ 1 ounce
Calcium chloride .... 1 ounce
Dissolve the calcium chloride in the water, add the glue, macerate until it is thoroughly softened, and then heat until completely dissolved.
IV.—Glue.... ....  .. N ounces
Glycerine ............. 5 ounces
Syrupy glucose. ..    1 ounce
Tannin ................ 50 grains
Cover the glue with cold water, and let stand over night. In the morning pour off superfluous water, throw the glue on muslin, and manipulate so as to get rid of as much moisture as possible, then put in a water bath and melt. Add the glyc‑
erine and syrup, and stir well in. Fi­nally, dissolve the tannin in the smallest quentity of water possible and add.
This mixture must be used hot.
V.—Glue ............................ 13 c”inees
Glycerine ..................... 5 ounces
Linseed oil...  ................. ounces
Sugar.                             1 ounce
Soak the glue as before, melt, add the sugar and glycerine, continuing the heat, and finally add the oil gradually under constant stirring.
This must be used hot.